Wednesday 4 November 2015

The Next Chapter

One of the beautiful lessons that God has taught me, and that I'm continuing to learn and appreciate, is that He is the Master Author. He handles our lives and writes our stories with such grace and care, interweaving our stories with those of others, all for His glory.

In my own story, I now find myself at the start of a new chapter in my adventure with God. The first chapter was my childhood and high school years, a time of grace when, even when I was coasting and lukewarm in my relationship with God, He kept me tethered to Him and in His sovereignty brought me into the next chapter; a chapter of growth and of calling after moving to Edinburgh for university where God would radically change the course of my life, (at least from my perspective anyway, He always knew what the plan was!) and put me through a lot of faith-building experiences. Then came the next chapter, a chapter of stepping-out of character shaping, and the sweet beginning of surprise love with my beloved.

And now I'm here, married and in Ecuador once again, with a whole lot of seemingly blank pages before me. It's new, un-chartered territory, and I'm sure there are lots of new adventures ahead for Josias and I as our stories join together.

It's for this reason that I've changed the presentation of this blog. I'm still a misionera, and will be wherever I am or whatever chapter of life I'm in. But this is my new normal for now, a young wife living in Ecuador with her student husband, taking one day at a time, walking by faith, combining our two cultures to form our home and family, and leaning on the Everlasting Arms.

Here, I hope to share some of the the things that God teaches me along the way, the little every day insights that come from divine fellowship with Him, and also what it's like living the Ecua-Wife Life!

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