Tuesday 3 March 2015

The best laid schemes o' mice an' men

So, I am obviously terrible at updating blogs regularly. 

I have now been in Ecuador for over a year, which is incredible in itself. I never, ever could have predicted or imagine the things that were going to happen in this last year, or indeed the last...4 years actually. I'm beginning to see a pattern emerging of the way God works in my life: by surprise! I've come to the point where any plans that I make, I am learning to hold onto very loosely as God seems to always have a better (suprise) idea up His sleeve. Just like ol' Rabbie Burns said, "the best laid schemes o' mice an' man gang aft agley". However, God's plans never do.

Who could have ever guessed that when I was crying over not getting to Cuba and because I didn´t understand what God was doing, that He was actually setting the stage to answer my biggest prayer and dream in my life: to have a husband who I love, who loves me and- most importantly- loves Him. Josias is all I ever prayed for and more and I feel so blessed to be marrying him.

However, more things have happened this year apart from all the romance and excitement! To summarise, here are some videos I've made over the past year :)

My first 6 months:

Christmas Service:


Months 6-12:


Church Anniversary in February:


God will fulfill His purpose for you (Psalm 138:8), and for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose, all things work together for good (Romans 8:28). 

Rest in His faithfulness and find comfort in His love.

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