Hi, I'm Amy!

I'm the second oldest of four children born to my strong, Bible-believing Christians parents who brought us up to know and love God. I made a personal commitment to become a Christian, to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour as well as my close friend, at the age of five after coming to realise that I needed to be saved from my sin and to have a relationship with the Most High God. Throughout my childhood I maintained a strong faith in God, and it was this faith and the grace of God that brought me through the death of my father in an accident in late 2003. I was baptised shortly after my 11th birthday the following year, being a living testimony of God's love and grace to many who came to witness and share the occasion with me.
I've been through a lot of big adventures since then, including choosing a chemistry degree over music one, being pushed into learning Spanish, going on a short-term missions trip to Cuba, giving up my degree to follow God's call on my life to be a missionary, ending up in a country that I never planned on going to and meeting the absolute love of my life, my now-husband, Josias. We share the aventures that come with loving and serving God together, now with our beautiful daughters Eliana and Faith.
A life with God is never boring, and if we let Him, He will lead us on the most amazing, and at times challenging, of adventures.