Saturday 17 August 2013

The Beginning

Just over a year ago, I arrived back home after spending three weeks in Cuba on Christian mission with Latin Link, a mission organization who send people to and receive people from Latin America. The year since can only be summed up by Ephesians 3:20, God is able to do far more abundantly all that we ask or think. At no point in my life could I have imagined what God would be doing in my life, that I'd be leaving my chemistry degree at the University of Edinburgh behind to go and serve God as an overseas missionary. Only three years ago I thought I would be studying music with education at either RCS or Aberdeen to go on and be a music teacher- there is a quote from Woody Allen which says:
                                   "If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans."
How gracious God is towards us as we blaze on through life pursuing our own plans and ambitions, to then gently lead us in His purpose and fulfil dreams we weren't even able to dream ourselves! God's plan for us is always infinitely better than anything we could ever come up with, and yet sometimes I know I am foolish enough to tell God what I want is best and not trust in my Father who knows what is truly best for me.

I have been accepted onto Latin Link's Stride programme which is an individual mission placement for any length of time between 6 and 24 months. If you want to know more about how all of that came to happen, including leaving university, you can read about that in my BIG NEWS entry on my other blog, Distinctive?. I feel God has called me to do this placement in Cuba, an amazing country in which I firmly believe God is doing a real work. Since the 1990s there has been a huge increase in the Protestant-Christian population as people are finding a freedom they have never known through the Lord Jesus Christ who died to set them free. Recognising the mass increase of Christianity, the government began to put restrictions in place in an attempt to curb the movement but, hallelujah, God is bigger than any restrictions the government can make and He continues to pursue lost souls and share His love through His children. Many of those coming to Christ are among Cuba's youth and one of the most exciting parts of being there last year was being a witness to the impact Jesus us having in the lives of these young people and how He is raising them up to teach and equip His church in Cuba.

However, there are a few complications with me going to Cuba and the most major of these is the visa process. As many of you will know, Cuba is regarded as a communist state and this means that visas are more difficult to obtain than in a lot of places. I will first apply for a 30 day religous visa (which we had last year) which will then be extended by 6 weeks and then 6 months, Lord willing. After that period I will be eligible to apply for residency. It is possible that I could be rejected at any of these points. Another issue is that Hollie, the Short-Term Coordinator in Cuba for Latin Link (and the only other LL worker in Cuba) who will be my mentor, is returning to the UK for 6 months next September, meaning that I will have no in-country support from LL. Between these two complications, it is possible that I won't be able to spend my whole placement in Cuba, either moving to or being based in another country within Central America.

With these things in mind, I would really value your support and prayer:

  • My visas and the working out of my placement. Stride placements in Cuba are not common place and so there are some uncertainties that need ironing out, please pray that God would have me where He wants me, where I will be able to glorify Him most and serve the local church best. Please pray that the Lord would go ahead of me and bless my visa extension applications and that they will be accepted, but ultimately that His will be done.
  • My finances. I have a set amount of money to raise before leaving to cover things such as insurance, flights, orientation etc. and I have to raise a monthly support to cover Latin Link costs and my accomodation and travel expenses. The cost for one year of Stride is generally £8000 but I won't know exactly how much I need until I have specific placement details. Please pray that God would guide me as I seek ways to raise money while glorifying and honouring Him at the same time, and that He would place it on people's hearts to support me financially throughout my time in Cuba.
  • My friends and family. As much as we are all aware that God has called me to go, leaving my friends and family behind is not going to be easy, though I am confident that God will supply us with the strength we all need. Please pray that God would bless my time with them before I leave and especially that I would be able to reach out to my unsaved friends and family during this time.
  • My relationship with God. Obviously the most important things for me throughout all of this is for my relationship with God to continue to grow and strengthen as He is an will be my real Strength and Provider when I am in Cuba and I will need to fully rely on Him alone. Please pray that God would continue to teach and train me in these coming months and that He would keep me in Him and be my Foundation and Rock. Please also pray regarding my orientation in Reading from the 2nd to 10th of December.
May the Lord God bless you,

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